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银饰店该如何低调奢华又有内涵/ 广州历新设计

1627 2019-05-23T11:41:03 6
设计师: 彭建(历新设计)
银饰店该如何低调奢华又有内涵/ 广州历新设计说明:

参与设计师:周城林 , 陈冠
Participating designer:Zhou Chenglin ,Chen Guan

我们给Outi Linka的定位就是奢华,但是也不失时尚和低调,选择冲击力强大的色调,别具一格的装修,这些可以使人们产生一览到底的购买欲,可以得到更多消费者的青睐。

Design Notes:
More and more people like to wear silverware. Many entrepreneurs seize the opportunity to open a silverware store. So what kind of silverware store will attract more people? In addition to the choice of place, the guarantee of the quality of silverware, the most important thing is the decoration of a storefront. If you can catch people's eyes at once, it is excellent.
Our positioning for this store is luxury, but it is also fashionable and low-key, choose the strong color of the impact, and unique decoration, which can make people have a desire to buy at a glance, and can be favored by more consumers.

We can come together to appreciate this case:

This is a picture of on-site construction

这是现场施工图 This is a picture of on-site construction

The marble floor is smooth and clean, refracting the color of the light. These cabinets are neatly arranged to better reflect the exquisiteness of the seller, and the classification area can be understood at a glance, which makes it easier and easier to select.

大理石的地面光滑干净,可以折射灯光的色彩。这些柜子整齐排列,更能彰显卖家的精致,分类区域一眼就能明白,这样可以使人更容易更简单地挑选。 The marble floor is smooth and clean, refracting the color of the light. These cabinets are neatly arranged to better reflect the exquisiteness of the seller, and the classification area can be understood at a glance, which makes it easier and easier to select.

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