“心系桃源,禅意东方” 深圳观海酒家深圳湾壹号店 深圳给与人们的印象: 年轻而又充满沉淀、快速却也包容,各色文化得以在此融汇交流。 言诺设计将这座城市的地域特点与东方禅意解构,融于坐落在深圳湾口岸的观海(深圳湾壹号店),把朴实无华的自然主义带到深圳最具现代气息的深圳湾一号,看似冲突,却又和深圳的特色相互呼应。
Heart tying Land of Peace, Appreciation of the East Sea-Viewing Restaurant, One Shenzhen Bay Branch
Impressions about Shenzhen: Shenzhen provides people a sense of fulfillment and embrace that all kinds of cultures are therefore able to integrate and communicate here. Inodesign deconstructs the geographical characteristics and the admiring style from the east of this city and then adds all these to Sea Viewing Restaurant (One Shenzhen Bay Branch). Inodesign brings the simplest naturalism to One Shenzhen Bay which is with the greatest modernism, conflicting while echoing the specialties in Shenzhen. Enter the hall and you will find the plain stones and fishpond enhancing each other’s beauty. Go through the corridor with the sense of modern, structured mountains, high and low, are extending to the end of the whole public area by recomposing the feel of urban and village in the east of China. All these things directly stimulate guests’ sensory organs and experience of enjoying meals.
If the public area is showing the energy and fast speed of this city, then dining area will leave you from the chaotic routines and complexities. White and light wooden decorations are the leader of this room, building a peaceful and quiet space for rest. Soft curtains are made in voile, half masking the outside scenery. All the people sitting here may feel to be in the land of peace, shielding all the noises in a city, while they are not. |
The design of this restaurant is for setting off the flavor of foods, appeasing disturbed eaters and avoiding all the hurry to enjoy delicacies prepared by thoughtful chef as well as viewing the grand city.