设计师在众多强调极简美学的语境下,重拾想象力无可匹敌的瑰丽感。以爱丽丝梦游仙境为主题,是最巧妙不过的化用和致敬。通过对人群的定义,打造快乐生活体系。项目外超强的延展面设计,一路飘红打造艺术与空间交错的视觉,通过利落的笔法构建空间关系,产生进入艺术现场的视觉冲击,为客户打造了“Enjoy Life”快乐生活场景。
Designers in the context of many to highlight the minimalist aesthetics, regain the imagination peerless magnificent feeling . The theme of Alice in wonderland is the most clever but paraphrase salute and through the definition of the crowd, to create a happy Life. The stretched graphic design system project outside, all the way on red building of visual art and space, through agile brushwork constructing spatial relations, visual impact into the art scene, provide our clients with a Enjoy Life happy Life scenes.