在我们传统的印象里, 兔子应该是怎样的一种生物呢? 软萌?纯良? 一对精神抖擞或蔫蔫的大耳朵, 透露了坦诚率真的性格, 圆圆的眼睛让人卸下防备, 可爱得直击人心。 In our traditional impression, what kind of creature should a rabbit be? cute? Innocent? 该系列的IP是以兔子为原型的美学演绎, 在创造力、想象力和情感的交织中, 以简洁的设计语言 叙述每个产品各自的属性和魅力, 让人们感受到来自产品本身的生命力。 The IP of this series is an aesthetic interpretation based on rabbits.
从抽象到具象的转变,是设计创作的一个过程。设计师以童真的角度,将自己的感悟与理解实现并渗透到产品,这不仅需要趣味性的表达形式,还要输出精神内核的涵义。 The transition from abstract to concrete is a process of design creation. From the perspective of innocence, the designer realizes and penetrates his own perception and understanding into the product, which not only requires interesting expressions, but also outputs the meaning of the spiritual core. 视觉的愉悦是大众对于IP的第一印象,情感的共鸣是触碰内心柔软的钥匙,因此IP、空间和人之间的交流碰撞才真正展开…… Visual pleasure is the public’s first impression of IP, and emotional resonance is the key to the softness of the heart. Therefore, the communication and collision between IP, space and people really unfold...