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10057 2018-12-26T09:58:51 21
设计师: 叶颢坚

《博物岭南》—滨海金控K11ATELIER办公室——是贯穿于整个办公空间的设计核心与概念;是对大自然的探索研究、和岭南文化的弘扬精神。本案位于广州CBD地区K11 ATELIER办公楼之中,办公占地面积5000㎡,是一家综合性创新金融服务机构;因选址于广州经济发展中枢地段,更需展现其独有的岭南文化底蕴,把岭南文化独有的民俗风情与传统工艺以现代的手法加以提炼与创新并转化为本案的设计语言。整个空间划分为员工办公区域、多功能会议形式区域两大类型,显然规划多种会议形式的空间更有利于现代社会的多元化与多变的沟通方式,从而把包容、开放、务实、创新的广府文化展现于其中。设计手法处理得更为内敛与雅致,使空间经得起时间的推移油然而生的多变性;把“手打铜、虾笼、雕刻、剪纸、岭南画派、民国时期广州地图 ”等多种岭南元素提炼并引入空间各处至景,更为到访来宾带来互动与惊喜之意,亦唤醒了彼此对城市的记忆!

Lingnan Museum——it‘s the core concept thourghout the design of the whole office area; It's an  exploration and research of the Nature and spread of Lingnan Culture. The comprehensive innovative financial service institution which is designed in this proposal is located at the office building in K11 ATELIER,  covers an area of 5,000  square meters at CBD area in GuangZhou; As the location is in the central of the economic development area in Guangzhou,  it is extremly important to show unique Connotations of Lingnan Culture. Therefore, we  refined and recreated folk custom and  traditional craftwork by means of modernization and translated into the design language. The whole space is divided into two types: office area and multi-function meeting area. The Muti-function meeting area is more applicable to diversity and variety of communication in mordern society and nclusive, open, pragmatic, innovative Guangzhou Culture can also be displayed in this way. The design is managed to be more restraining and elegant, which enables the place withstand the deiversity caused by the pass of time. Furhermore, we bring interaction and surprise to visitors and awakened the memories of Guangzhou city by putting key Lingnan cultural elements such as'handcrafted copper, shrimp pot, sculpture and Chinese paper cutting,Lingan faction painting and the map of Guangzhou in the Republican period ' into the space.






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