This project is designed for a private apartment of 352 square meters. The design of the space is developed on the basis of the isolated polar in the middle of the living room, forming a decorative element of the letter L. Through the combination and variation of the letter L in different forms, the space is divided, reorganized, and extended in an attempt to define the space, yet with a vague boundary. Considering the deliberately hollowed opening, highlighting the rhythm between the actual and virtual space, making it penetrable for the sight and enabling the air to flow.
客厅 | 籍由客厅的粱柱形成字母L的形态体量彼此交错
多功能区 | 半层高的电视墙界定空间机能又令视线相互延伸
多功能区 | 曲线造型的矮桌为小孩子的手工玩耍增添一份趣味